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description [ROM 4.0.4/XXLRG] CLASSIC ROM v1!+15 Toggle Mod [11-07-2012] Empty [ROM 4.0.4/XXLRG] CLASSIC ROM v1!+15 Toggle Mod [11-07-2012]


[ROM][4.0.4][11-07-2012][XXLRG] CLASSIC ROM v1!+15 Toggle Mod



Product Code: GT-N7000ZBADBT
Latest firmware: N7000XXLRG/N7000DBTLRG/N7000XXLRB/N7000XXLRG
Modified: 04/07/2012 16:00:07

UPDATE what is new? (Source: Sammobiles)
- POPup PLAY watch movies when you mailing…. (Galaxy SIII)
- Restart button is green.
- Some icons changed.
- Faster.
- Signature unlock.

Images & Vidéos

 [ROM 4.0.4/XXLRG] CLASSIC ROM v1!+15 Toggle Mod [11-07-2012] Attachment [ROM 4.0.4/XXLRG] CLASSIC ROM v1!+15 Toggle Mod [11-07-2012] Attachment

Derniers Changements

1. Fully Deodexed
2. Zipaligned
3. Added init.d Scripts, Very smooth scrolling!
4. Fully Rooted
5. CF-Root LQ3 Kernel (Presently with this kernel, bluetooth doesnt work, once Chainfire releases the root for the stock kernel then works

edit... cf kernel link http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=28624180&postcount=2042

6. Native call recording added with transparent phone.apk
7. Added code for smoother scrolling! modified scrolling cache in smali
8. No ascending ringtone and noise off reduction by default!
9. Clean build.prop for best Market compatibility( not edited the build.prop for automatic USB storage, but you can use this free from market and works like charm https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.zatta.USB_switch&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImluLnphdHRhLlVTQl9zd2l0Y2giXQ)
10. Added smooth spinners
11. Multi CSC
12. Busybox
13. Large APN List
14. Fully optimised pngs
15. Reduced Touchwiz redraw
16. Optimised RAM
17. Battery Optimisation Tweaks






Coming From GB, flash abyss 4.2 and then enter to recovery. Wipe data, cache, dalvik and flash the ROM. Once the ROM is up, first update the binaries of SU for full rooting

Coming From ICS, first flash abyss 4.2 and then enter to recovery by clicking go advanced and reboot in to recovery(you should see the red recovery now). Wipe data, cache, dalvik and flash the ROM. Once the ROM is up, first update the binaries of SU for full rooting

Autres Infos

first to my wife followed by my loving daughter

1. Criskelo (I used his scripts for flashing)
2. Robiee(Inspiration)
3. All other developers of XDA
4. Chainfire(For LQ3 Kernel)
5. Prasad Naidu (for testing)
6. eybee, crash, eliashadow, alba, maxicet and the list goes on
7. mimahitna
8. wanam
9. robertberma

and my special thanks to @pvillasuso

Mods and themes follows...

[Comment uploader et partager un fichier?] - [Vous êtes développeur ou cuisto?] - [Mise en fiche automatique via le script HTC-DEV]

Dernière édition par stynger le Jeu 12 Juil 2012 - 12:22, édité 4 fois

description [ROM 4.0.4/XXLRG] CLASSIC ROM v1!+15 Toggle Mod [11-07-2012] EmptyRe: [ROM 4.0.4/XXLRG] CLASSIC ROM v1!+15 Toggle Mod [11-07-2012]


Changelog for Mods-1

1. Phone.apk made transparent, non ascending ringtone and added noise reduction by default
2. Update in build.prop
3. Added battery percentage mod
4. SIP enabled
5. CRT-OFF Anim is enabled and removed the flickering bug (banged my head for this)
6. Added mooded S3 Launcher 5*6 (Thanks to goatrip)
7. Added modded s3 weather widget(Thanks to goa trip)

 [ROM 4.0.4/XXLRG] CLASSIC ROM v1!+15 Toggle Mod [11-07-2012] Attachment



Changelog for Mods-2

15 toggle mod! With great difficulty i have ported the 15 toggle mod. Tomorow i will make 8 power widget in one view instead of five as of right now


Changelog for Mods-3

Screen Rotates in all direction Now
SIP has enabled as i forgotten to do the same in earlier framework..modified phone.apk with ip call enabled along with settings will be available maybe by today
Strict Phone number comparation has been disabled
Added S3 media files


Dernière édition par stynger le Jeu 12 Juil 2012 - 10:57, édité 1 fois

description [ROM 4.0.4/XXLRG] CLASSIC ROM v1!+15 Toggle Mod [11-07-2012] EmptyRe: [ROM 4.0.4/XXLRG] CLASSIC ROM v1!+15 Toggle Mod [11-07-2012]


description [ROM 4.0.4/XXLRG] CLASSIC ROM v1!+15 Toggle Mod [11-07-2012] EmptyRe: [ROM 4.0.4/XXLRG] CLASSIC ROM v1!+15 Toggle Mod [11-07-2012]

Merci Very Happy
Je trouve dommage sur une ROM base XXLRG donc 4.0.4 de mettre un kernel XXLQ3
Le CF Root XXLRG est sorti aujourd'hui, espérons une mise à jour Wink

Comme précisé dans le changelog, le bluetooth ne marche pas.

description [ROM 4.0.4/XXLRG] CLASSIC ROM v1!+15 Toggle Mod [11-07-2012] EmptyRe: [ROM 4.0.4/XXLRG] CLASSIC ROM v1!+15 Toggle Mod [11-07-2012]

oui j ai vue pour le cf root je croit que je le mettre j ai mis le liens .

description [ROM 4.0.4/XXLRG] CLASSIC ROM v1!+15 Toggle Mod [11-07-2012] EmptyRe: [ROM 4.0.4/XXLRG] CLASSIC ROM v1!+15 Toggle Mod [11-07-2012]

CF Root Kernel N CWM Flash using mobile Odin Keep wifi On before flashing

Il faut laisser le wifi activé si vous flashez le CF root XXLRG, sinon, plus de wifi Very Happy

Source Dr Keatan
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