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description[OBSOLETE] [PROJET 5] [Glossy Themed Eclair] (v2.01) +[Android 2.1 with SENSE (beta)  Empty[OBSOLETE] [PROJET 5] [Glossy Themed Eclair] (v2.01) +[Android 2.1 with SENSE (beta)


[Glossy Themed Eclair] (v2.01) +[Android 2.1 with SENSE (beta) (8/04)

[OBSOLETE] [PROJET 5] [Glossy Themed Eclair] (v2.01) +[Android 2.1 with SENSE (beta)  Descri10

First of all..I apologize for my bad english!!!

For all peoples who want to continue to test XDANDROID but without the poor native layout here you can test Glossy Themed XDANDROID!

This build contain the system core from Babijoee's latest build and modifyed framework-res.apk, service.jar and apps and some apps coming from flan 2.1.

HOW TO INSTALL:Create 4 partitions on your SD: p1= FAT32 / p2:EXT2 (label:system) min 256 mb/p3:EXT2 (label:data) min 256mb /min 64mb swap partition (large size is better).
Put the files you find in the zip file in the root of FAT32 and run Haret.
At startup press VolDwn when request...continue with upgrade than wipe data and you're ready to boot Android.
Installation on partitioned SD require more time because the sistem.sqsh will be unsquashed on system labeled partition...but you will have more fast OS.

I recommend using the new ROM Lite Energy (does not give more RAM available, but Android seems to work faster).

[OBSOLETE] [PROJET 5] [Glossy Themed Eclair] (v2.01) +[Android 2.1 with SENSE (beta)  Screen10

[OBSOLETE] [PROJET 5] [Glossy Themed Eclair] (v2.01) +[Android 2.1 with SENSE (beta)  Attachment [OBSOLETE] [PROJET 5] [Glossy Themed Eclair] (v2.01) +[Android 2.1 with SENSE (beta)  Attachment [OBSOLETE] [PROJET 5] [Glossy Themed Eclair] (v2.01) +[Android 2.1 with SENSE (beta)  Attachment [OBSOLETE] [PROJET 5] [Glossy Themed Eclair] (v2.01) +[Android 2.1 with SENSE (beta)  Attachment

[OBSOLETE] [PROJET 5] [Glossy Themed Eclair] (v2.01) +[Android 2.1 with SENSE (beta)  Change10

-Added some graphics
-New Launcher (Nexus One style) with thumbnail preview (double tap on screen)+enabled autorotate
-New Google Maps 4.1 with latitude widget and working maps live wallpaper
-New RootFS from XDANDROID modded for work on our Blackstone
-Some speed tweaks
-Automatic zipalignment for new installed apps
-Clear cache at boot
-Added Metamorph support (hopefully) (not tested)

[OBSOLETE] [PROJET 5] [Glossy Themed Eclair] (v2.01) +[Android 2.1 with SENSE (beta)  Telech10

V2.1 :http://www.4shared.com/file/0bcp5hS6/GlossyThemedSense.html


source: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=624808

Aussi disponible dans la [OBSOLETE] [PROJET 5] [Glossy Themed Eclair] (v2.01) +[Android 2.1 with SENSE (beta)  Yboourv Sinon, uploadez le Wink!

description[OBSOLETE] [PROJET 5] [Glossy Themed Eclair] (v2.01) +[Android 2.1 with SENSE (beta)  EmptyRe: [OBSOLETE] [PROJET 5] [Glossy Themed Eclair] (v2.01) +[Android 2.1 with SENSE (beta)

Salut Zepiii !!!
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