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description[ROM JB 4.3.1](Halo2.0){3.4.66} BeanStalk 4.3.1015 [OFFICIAL] 27/10 HTC ONEXL EVITA Empty[ROM JB 4.3.1](Halo2.0){3.4.66} BeanStalk 4.3.1015 [OFFICIAL] 27/10 HTC ONEXL EVITA


[ROM JB 4.3.1](Halo2.0){3.4.66} BeanStalk 4.3.1015 [OFFICIAL] 27/10 HTC ONEXL EVITA

[ROM JB 4.3.1](Halo2.0){3.4.66} BeanStalk 4.3.1015 [OFFICIAL] 27/10 HTC ONEXL EVITA Beanstalk%20Presentation


La rom est présentée par phoenixita
Le mot du chef:
"I am proud to present to you BeanStalk Builds put together by myself. This is a build composed off of the CM10.2 builds and i have added alot of features on top of it. So you get speed, stability, and ultra customization ability. Many of the additional code additions came from slim ROM and also Derteufels build and have been modified to work with my current setup. A huge thanks to Derteufel and the Slim ROM guys for their work and dedication. Also a big thanks to everyone involved with CM as that is the building stone in this project. Thanks to skyliner33v for the bootanimation and upcoming wallpapers!

I plan on updating this and adding features on a pretty regular basis, so if you happen to like this, keep checking back."

[ROM JB 4.3.1](Halo2.0){3.4.66} BeanStalk 4.3.1015 [OFFICIAL] 27/10 HTC ONEXL EVITA Banner_evita
Standard Features :


1. Télécharger la Rom et les Gapps.
2. les Copier sur la SDcard/mémoire interne
3. Booter dans le Recovery (TWRP préféré.)
4. Dans TWRP, faire les Wipes et le Factory reset
5. lancer l'installationde la rom puis des Gapps
Penser si vous n'êtes pa S-off à flasher le boot.img en fastboot/usb
Rebooter  Phone and Enjoy ...

Si vous venez d'une autre Rom  un backup est à faire dans le recovery avant l'installation...

Images & Vidéos

[ROM JB 4.3.1](Halo2.0){3.4.66} BeanStalk 4.3.1015 [OFFICIAL] 27/10 HTC ONEXL EVITA Screenshot2
[ROM JB 4.3.1](Halo2.0){3.4.66} BeanStalk 4.3.1015 [OFFICIAL] 27/10 HTC ONEXL EVITA Iyo7x4 [ROM JB 4.3.1](Halo2.0){3.4.66} BeanStalk 4.3.1015 [OFFICIAL] 27/10 HTC ONEXL EVITA F4h1zc

[ROM JB 4.3.1](Halo2.0){3.4.66} BeanStalk 4.3.1015 [OFFICIAL] 27/10 HTC ONEXL EVITA 27xnhnq[ROM JB 4.3.1](Halo2.0){3.4.66} BeanStalk 4.3.1015 [OFFICIAL] 27/10 HTC ONEXL EVITA E1cia1

[ROM JB 4.3.1](Halo2.0){3.4.66} BeanStalk 4.3.1015 [OFFICIAL] 27/10 HTC ONEXL EVITA 11s1c9v [ROM JB 4.3.1](Halo2.0){3.4.66} BeanStalk 4.3.1015 [OFFICIAL] 27/10 HTC ONEXL EVITA Am6yhz

Derniers Changements

BeanStalk 4.3.1015 - 10/27/2013
* Major additions related to telephony from CM
* Few Active Display cleanups/fixes
* Camera optimizations
* Multi-Window (Accessed from recents. Long press app and add to multiview)
* Option to enable Notification Light when screen is on
* Floating Window option
* Fliptile animation
* AOKP Custom system animations
* Battery level around lock ring (Did i list this last time?)
* Remote display framework support
* Density changer overhaul - improvements.
* Switched back to the custom MMS package with tons of customizable theme options. Listed under mms - settings - mms theme settings.
* Fixes and cleanups build wide.
* Thanks again to vaughn for getting another build together.


B...1027-evita.zip 4.3.1015

Gapps For 4.3.1


à venir


Source sur XDA

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description[ROM JB 4.3.1](Halo2.0){3.4.66} BeanStalk 4.3.1015 [OFFICIAL] 27/10 HTC ONEXL EVITA EmptyRe: [ROM JB 4.3.1](Halo2.0){3.4.66} BeanStalk 4.3.1015 [OFFICIAL] 27/10 HTC ONEXL EVITA

Réserved Wink
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