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Forum Android pour smartphones & tablettes Asus, HTC, Huawei, Honor, LG, Nokia, OnePlus, Samsung, Sony, Xiaomi... Retrouvez applications, astuces, aide, jeux, tutos,...

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] Empty[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] Wweq

Three months after the editing of the first oficial Touch HD ROM, it's time for a renewal. This device will accompany me for quite a while, while in anticipation for the newer series of HTC devices, with even faster processors and "other" capabilities.

The past few days we've seen here in xda-developers, some applications from Topaz & Rhodium as whel as ROMs that contains some of their features. There are many problems, since the ROMs are available to a handful of developers, they're beta ROMs (the devices will be available on the market after mid April) and none of them who present the work with few or more elements from Topaz allow access to their ROMs - they're always locked.

Believing and having in mind a basic principal that knowledge is useful only when it's shared, continuing with the same philosophy after many hours of work and over 150 flashes until now for this ROM (I don’t have beta testing team), I am publishing this edition that is solely and exclusively based on ROMs from Diamond 2. It is unlocked, as were the previous ones, so that those who know can benefit from this work and take it a step further.

I worked very hard for long hours. I haven't had to work this hard since I made my first ROM for HTC Kaiser. Once more I am saddened by all that's happening in xda-developers, the stupid antagonisms, and the cruel attempts for profit that lead to the destruction of the very idea of common resources and help amond developers. I am troubled and honestly I don't know if I should post my new work here or not.

So you can take files from ROM and move yours a step forward but don't forget to lock your ROM work. As I said before, you've been to all this trouble after all, you wouldn't want anyone else getting any parts ready made now would you?

Basically we have a new TF3D that has once more succeeded in allowing single hand access to even more basic daily functions, on a touch screen. As I had predicted since it's first appearance, it is constantly evolving and has managed, along with the large in size and resolution HTC touch screens, as well as the powerful CPUs and large memory, to give a new breath to the essentially non-changed Windows Mobile we've known for so many years.

There are more than 1400 more files than there were in the Touch HD ROM. Device owners should keep in mind that they will start with around 105 MB free Program Memory and around 311MB for Storage. The new version of Manila alone is over 2100 files that require around 40MB!

My choice, for stability reasons, is to base my work on the official HD ROM and change it with all new features from Topaz. I hope you will agree with me when you try it out, that my attempts were well worth the effort and that the problems that lie ahead to not be serious and to be easily resolved. I can perhaps promise a Greek ROM in time to come.

ATTENTION : pour flasher cette ROM vous devez utiliser au préalable le HardSPL 1.56 ou le USPL (Voir tuto ici). Prenez votre temps avant de vous lancer et lisez les tutos génériques sur le flashage ici

[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] 32215976

Black Pearl V 3.4 WWE

[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] Downloadjcl

Black Pearl v3.4 WWE

Flash requires SPL 1.54 and USPL 2.5

Main Features
Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional
CE OS 5.2.21051 (Build 21051.1.6.4)
ROM Version 1.59.487.53 WWE
Release Date 24/07/09
Free Storage Memory: 321 MB
Free Programs Memory: 123 MB
Net Compact Framework 3.5

Auto Rotation in: Opera, Album, Τηλέφωνο, Επαφές, Comm Manager, Calculator, SMS/MMS, Προγράμματα, Ρυθμίσεις, Live Messenger, Media Player, ActiveSync, Adobe Reader and more.
Classic Start Menu
Flash + ActiveX in Internet Explorer 6 & Opera 9.5 (build 16844)
In Call full Recording
HTC keyboards with Greek SMS 160
TF3D v 2.0.38149.0 with manual landscape

+ Programs
+ Memory Monitor Bar in Top Bar

+ My Action Screen with Soft Reset
+ MoDaCo NoData
+ OBEX Inbox

+ Screen Capture

+ Softkey Manager
+ Threading SMS Manager

Registry Tweaks & Modifications
Auto Sleep in phone calls
Comm Manager with beam + 3G
Enable All Camera Modes
Enable Clear Type in Landscape
Enable Screen Rotation from Screen Settings
D3D ATI Drivers

Smaller Finger Menus
Stop AS when unplug USB cable
(need to add a fake server)
Disable Album OK minimize
Disable Customer Feedback
Disable Error Reporting
Disable security warnings when installing non-certified applications
Tweaks for Louder Sound
Tweaks for maximum Performance & energy


Out From ROM
Cyberon Voice Speed Dial
Google Maps

JetCet Print
Microsoft Update

Sample pictures

Sample Music
Welcome Center


TopazStartMenu+NoPrograms tab.cab

Clasic StartMenu+Programs tab.cab


tsipistri Task Bar Green Start.zip

source: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=495233

Dernière édition par voileuxcool le Mar 14 Avr 2009 - 11:36, édité 3 fois

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

Bon bin apparemment je suis le seul a m'etre lancé dessus.

Et j'aurai pas du lol.

Je ne lui est rien trouvé de positif a cette rom seulement des bugs des petits trucs chiants :

-le TF3D est plein de petits bugs, du style je glisse sur l'onglet personne , il s'affiche un milieme de seconde pour aller ensuite sur photo ou un autre.
- je configure ActiveSync et hop, un nouveau mail signalé dans la barre coulissante en bas, mais aucun mail reel recu.
- un manque d'outil intégré flagrant: pas de flip it donc pas de Landscape dans tout l'environnement, pas de tweakHD, ...
-Utilisation mémoire commune aux autres, au départ 53% et plus ca va plus ca augmente.

voila j'ai pas eu besoin de pousser tres loin pour savoir que j'allais changer.

Au dela de ca, je respecte le travail de chaque cuisto, je test et donne mon avis, mais je suis ravi de pouvoir le faire et de ne pas etre cantonné a 3 rom qui se battent en duel.

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

Mise à jour : Version 2.2

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

Mise à jour : V2.3

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

merci voileuxcool on va essayer ca !! Very Happy

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

Mise à jour : Black Pearl v 2.4

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

put more screenshots please

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

Pas d 'autre screen pour le moment

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

Elle est très très bonne. Je vais la garder un peu. J'apprécie sa stabilité, sa sobriété et sa fluidité.
C'est classe. Peut-être un peu légère en applis mais l'essentiel y est.
Et pas de souci de hspl ou uspl--- J'y comprends plus rien. Malgré de la bonne volonté et de la lecture.
De plus il parait que c'est du provisoire...
Cette rom a tous les nouveaux dialers et tourne comme une horloge. Je vous la conseille vivement.

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

Mise à jour en 2.5 si quelqu'un peut mettre à jour : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=495233

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

je ferai ca ce soir voileuxcool !

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

mise à jour poste 1 ,version 2.5 disponible !
bon flash Very Happy

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

2.6 : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=495233

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

poste 1 mis à jour version 2.6 panosha disponible
bon flash Very Happy

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

mise a jour poste 1 version 2.7 panosha disponible !

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

Heuuu...la 2.8 est sortie

Je ne pense pas que je vais l'essayer. Mais depuis la 2.6 je trouve que ce cuistot a fait d'énormes progrès

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

poste 1 mise à jour ,v2.8 panosha disponible !

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

V2.9 disponible sur XDA

Hé béé sa va vite !!!

Mais miri en sort tous les jours !!!

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

poste 1 mis a jour ,panosha v2.9 disponible

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]


Version 3.0 est là

Ressemble un peu à notre Mania mais en anglais Wink

Na Mania tu es le plus fort bounce

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

poste 1 mis à jour,panosha 3.3 disponible !

désolé du retard j'avais loupé la MAJ ! Wink

description[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56] EmptyRe: [ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 [HARD SPL 1.56]

poste 1 mis a jour,bon flash !Very Happy
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